Martial arts training is a potentially dangerous activity. Before beginning any martial arts training or exercise program, you should first consult your physician. Bumps, bruises, scrapes, scratches and soreness are commonplace, and most students will encounter this sort of minor injury from time to time in their training. More serious injuries are possible, including sprains, strains, twists, cramps, and injuries of similar magnitude, and students can expect to encounter these injuries infrequently. The possibility of more serious injury exists, including fractured bones, broken bones, and torn ligaments, though not all students encounter such serious injuries. As with any physical activity, there also exists the remote possibility of crippling or death.
By purchasing any course produced by the Korean Combat Arts Federation, the International MMA Association, or Affiliates, you are affirming that you understand the above statement of risk, and accept the responsibility for any training techniques, advice, and/or methodologies mentioned herein. You assume responsibility for your own safety, understanding and accepting all risks involved with martial arts training. By assuming this risk, you completely absolve all authors, creators, and affiliates of this Web site and their videos from liability for any injury or misuse of the information contained herein.
FBI Warning:
Federal Law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes or video discs. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and may constitute a felony with maximum penalty of up to five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine.
*All certifications can be terminated upon the decision of Master-Mike Omerbegovich, KCAF Instructors or a KCAF Board member for any reason they feel a student dishonors the KCAF (That includes complainers!).....
*Students are not permitted to use a logo/symbol produced by the KCAF unless he/she is registered as a KCAF Charter member!
*There are no refunds or exchanges for any KCAF course or service!
*Always refer to a KCAF Instructor/Board Member by their title (Ex. Sensei, Master etc).
*ALL Korean Martial Arts 1st Dan Black Belt Representatives must have their students become a KCAF student member, visit the "Testing" section for membership fees!
*ALL 1ST Dan Black Belt Instructors must send a video test for each student you rank!
*Cho Dan Bo Black Belts are only authorized to teach classes!
*1st Dan Black Belts are authorized to certify their students up to their rank!